Avaatech XRF Technology Reliable, rapid & non-destructive analysis


High Resolution
The Avaatech XRF Core Scanner is a Equipped With A Variable Optical System


Robust and Easy
The Avaatech XRF Core Scanner is a robust instrument


Avaatech X-Ray Fluorescence Core Scanner (ED-XRF) Technology

Avaatech provides the technology for high-resolution chemical analysis of geological cores using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Avaatech XRF Core Scanners are known for their robust build quality, being designed and built by the same people that were involved with invention of the very first XRF Core Scanner in the late 1980’s. This unmatched knowledge of XRF Core Scanner technology translates into an instrument that allows reliable, rapid, and non-destructive analysis of core samples with an easy to use inhouse developed software package. Our instruments are continuously updated with the latest technological advancements and these developments are executed in close collaboration with researchers from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). As such, the Avaatech XRF Core Scanner is an instrument developed together with researchers for researchers, that meets the needs of all laboratories with a keen interest in high-resolution geochemical analysis of cores.



XRF Core Scanner

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XRF Core Scanner

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Magnetic Susceptibility

XRF Core Scanner

Read More About Magnetic Susceptibility

Core Cutter/Splitter

XRF Core Scanner

read more about the cutter/splitter

High Efficiency