Line Scan Camera
Line-scan Camera
The Avaatech XRF Core Scan can also be equipped with a high-resolution line-scan camera that allows to obtain detailed pictures of the sample material, including color data. The current generation camera is the JAI LT-400 CL-F Color Line Scan Camera.
This line-scan camera contains three CMOS sensors and a beam-splitter. The Jai LT-400 CL-F uses RGB channels at 630nm, 535nm and 450nm with perfect channel separation. It has 3x 4096 pixel, 7 μm pixels and each individual pixel is calibrated on a white ceramic reference tile. The line scan camera not only produces high resolution colour images of your core (allowing the archiving of sediment colour), but also allows to use the data for further colour based sediment analysis and core correlation.
The camera is controlled via the easy-to-operate software. The imaging software can be used to indicate places of interest on the sample surface that can be subsequently directly measure with the XRF.
The light source can be replaced by a 380 nm UV source that allows to make UV luminescence measurements from e.g. corals, stalagmites, shells, and carbonate cores.
The line-scan package includes:
• Cradle for camera
• Special calibration table
• Computer hardware camera
• Second monitor 27”
• Special device for UV light
• Slow speed drive that moves the camera for UV luminescence imaging
• High frequency linear lighting system
• Cross-core image coverage 100mm with a resolution better than 40μm
• Down-core image with a scan speed of 1min/meter
• Individual CCD pixel calibration on a reference white surface
• Focus scan function for easy focus adjustment
• Real-time image calibration during scanning
• Life image and RGB histograms on screen during scanning
• Image output in BMP, TIF and JPG format
• Colour output in ASCII containing RGB data and CIE-l*a*b* data